Student Voice

I love using eLearning tools to collect student voice. My students are getting into good habits of using these tools for their reflective thoughts. Here are some examples of this!

How do you provide your students opportunities for reflective thoughts and what tools do they use?

This student used fotobabble on our iPods:

Here a student used Storyrobe on our iPods:

This activity was reflecting on our learning for our Learners Reflection evening with our parents.

As a group we wrote a criteria that would guide our reflections, after a discussion on what our parents ask us about our learning when we take our Learning Journals home.

We also discussed the type of ICT tools we could use to create a presentation for the evening. We decided on Windows Movie Maker and  Storyrobe on our iPods

The class was split into groups to reflect on a terms theme as well as each students were to reflect independently on their own learning. The students were allowed to use photos and videos to create a presentation which is to be narrated by them.

It has been a goal of mine to develop my students  metacognitive awareness so when discussing or reflecting on their learning they are more able to explain the learning. I believe this would awareness would add depth to their discussions with their parents, peers and their teacher. 

I know as a teacher I need to expose my students to more opportunities to reflect on, discuss and evaluate the progress of their learning to develop this awareness.

As a class we had a discussion on what our parents ask us about our learning when we take our Learning Journals home. Based on our discussion we wrote a criteria that would guide our reflections.

1. What did I achieve

2. How did I achieve it

3. What were my challenges

We also discussed the type of ICT tools we could use to create a presentation for the evening. We decided on Windows Movie Maker and  Storyrobe on our iPods. The students are very able with Windows Movie Maker but Storyrobe was new to all of them. The knew that both tools would use photos, video and our voice to help us create a presentation.

The class was split into groups to reflect on a terms theme as well as each student was to reflect independently on their own learning. The students were allowed to use photos and videos to create a presentation which was to be narrated by them.