Podcast at the Gym



I am a reluctant gym bunny and while I am there I listen to podcasts, it helps me to stay at my gym program). Listening to The Virtual Staffroom has become a way to get through the torture. Recently I listened to one on ‘Student Voice’  

 It was fascinating to listen to the connections these two teachers, Linda Yollis and Kathleen Morris, had made with each other and they live in different countries. This resonated with me because I am building up collaborative relationships with teachers from the UK @misterjim and Australia @lois. It is a refreshing experience to include another country in my classroom. I love telling the students that we are crashing down our classroom walls to take us into the great ocean of our world. Our audience just keeps getting bigger!  

Design is Everything, another podcast that kept me on the dreaded cross trainer. This is about learning spaces, this teacher wanted her classroom to have a ‘home type feel’. Learning spaces is also an area I am wanting to change, rearrange, try and retry, make mistakes, learn and develop a learning space that helps my students learn in a ‘happy and safe’ way.   




This podcast wasn’t really one that took me by the title ‘Scientific Curiosity’. What drew me in was that one of the participants was @timolimo another tweep of mine. This one helped me to reflect on my practice of assessing my students learning when I use the inquiry process.

I hope I can inspire you into listening to the amazing free resource of educational podcasts that are out there. The Virtual Staffroom is just one of many that I listen to. Podcasts have become an effective way to keep me at the gym as well as challenge and enhance my thinking about my teaching practice.

Ka kite ano