School in the Cloud

First school in the Cloud

Professional bum kick, this TED Talk was a year ago, note to self watch TED regularly so I am up to date!

My notes on this MAGIC TED talk by Sugata Mitra:

Learning as the product of educational self organisation. It’s not about making learning happen it’s about letting it happen.

SOLE  = Broadband + Collaboration + Encouragement

We need a curriculum of big questions.

Design a future for learning by tapping into students wonderment.

Self Organised Learning Environment – SOLE

Interesting to note on the word Encouragement, Sugata mentions, that when students are threatened the part of their brain that supports their learning shuts down. He says that students are threatened by the test. I think this should include worksheets and teachers who want little soldiers marching and always sitting quietly. That makes me shudder!